Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, text by Alojz Benac and Ivan Lovenovic. Hardcover book published by Sour “Svjetlost” Jugoslovenska Revija 1986.

Each epoch and period in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina left its own special mark on the country. This is most evident in those towns which have seen the passage of several centuries – from medieval Bosnia through the Turkish and Austro-Hungarian occupations. The new sections of the towns and cities are distinguished by tall modern buildings, symbols of the present epoch and of human labour. The huge new residential estates in Sarajevo are examples of the directions and accomplishments of contemporary architecture.

The town of Mostar is the economic and cultural centre of Herzegovina, situated on both banks of the Neretva at the foot of Mount Velez.

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