Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bridges in China: Old and new by Mao Yi-sheng.

Bridges in China: Old and new by Mao Yi-sheng.  Hardcover book published by Foreign Languages Press Peking 1978.  All text is in English.

Yukung Bridge built collectively by two people’s communes in Huihsien County, Honan.

The Yellow River Bridge at Chingyuan County, Kansu.

A cable suspension bridge over the Yellow River, constructed by three production brigades of the Shichuan People’s Commune, Kaolan County, Kansu.

The Pearl River Bridge at Kwangchow where rail and highway run side by side.

The Kanchiang River Bridge at Nanchang, Kiangsi, with parallel rail and highway lines.

The prestressed concrete T cantilever Chien-Fu Bridge of rigid structure built over the Sunghua River, Kirin.

Yung-Pao Bridge over the Lantsang River, Yunnan, with its main arch of reinforced concrete ribs.

Hungchi Bridge over the Nuchiang River, Yunnan. Its main arch of reinforced concrete box girder spans 116 metres.

The New Lukou Bridge, a cross-curved arch bridge near Peking.

The box girder Minchiang River Bridge, Yipin, Szechuan.

The truss arch Shangyeh Bridge, Sanmen, Chekiang.

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