Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Warszawa: o zniszczeniu i odbudowie miasta (3)

Warszawa: o zniszczeniu i odbudowie miasta by Adolf Ciborowski.  Hardcover book published by Wydawnictwo “Polonia” Warszawa 1964.  Text is in Polish with a small amount of text in English.


Elektrocieptownia Zeran
Zaklady Radiowe im. Kasprzka – dzielaka Wola
Cementownia Zeran

Magazyny w dzielnicy przemystowo-sktadowej Stuzewiec


Budownictwo uprzemystowione na osiedlu Koto – ul. Gorczewska. Arch. arch.: K. Lachert I L. Zaborski

Bar “Wenecja” przy ul. Swierczewskiego. Arch. arch.: Z. Ihnatowicz, J. Sottan

Stadion X-lecia. Arch. arch.: J. Hryniewiecki, M. Leykam, Cz. Rajewski

Biurowiec “Metalexportu”. Arch. Z. Karpinski

1 comment:

  1. That`s my city, cool pictures :) Most of these places are still here, some of them was changed or rebuilt (stadium, bar Wenecja), Metalexport was renvated lately and is on the list of protected buildings.
