Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jena (2)

Jena, Mit Fotos von Herbert Henschel und Guntard Linde Einführung von Paul G. Esche und Horst Fiedler.  Hardcover book published by VEB F.A. Brockhaus Verlag Leipzig 1970.  Text is in German with a translation sheet in French and English. (PLEASE NOTE: Some of the captions are possibly incorrect as the English captions numbering seems to not always match the images, I have attempted to correct the errors.)

 On the outskirts of the town in the north

The murals in the renovated Plenary Room of the Town Hall illustrate examples of our socialist reconstruction and laud the town of Jena, home of Zeiss

 The modern Zeiss skyscraper dominates Jena at night as well

The “Lobdeburgklause” offers a good view of Neu-Lobeda and the landscape of the Saale Valley

The Village of Lichtenhain

Tall buildings dominate the silhouette of the new quarter in the north of the town

Shopping in the new but no longer strange residential area


Over the roofs of Zwätzen. New institute buildings have been erected in recent years


  1. Dear Robin,

    according to Google, the pub mentioned in the fourth caption is the "Lobdeburgklause", see

    Best --jan

  2. Thanks Jan. Typo has been corrected.
