Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Monday, November 15, 2010


Jena, Mit Fotos von Herbert Henschel und Guntard Linde Einführung von Paul G. Esche und Horst Fiedler.  Hardcover book published by VEB F.A. Brockhaus Verlag Leipzig 1970.  Text is in German with a translation sheet in French and English. (PLEASE NOTE: Some of the captions are possibly incorrect as the English captions numbering seems to not always match the images, I have attempted to correct the errors.)

Pharmaceutical products from the town are to be found on all continents

Optical products, precision instruments and scientific equipment are made in VEB Carl Zeiss  The products of the works are exported to almost all the countries of the world

Optical products, precision instruments and scientific equipment are made in VEB Carl Zeiss  The products of the works are exported to almost all the countries of the world

Installation of a plant for glass production in VEB Schott & Genossen, well known on all continents as a manufacturer of special glass and fireproof glass

In addition to theoretical studies, the training of students includes a lot of practical work

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