Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

Communist Propaganda of the 20th Century

propaganda - 'noun', information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view (Compact Oxford Dictionary).

Friday, July 29, 2011

Pyongyang (6).

Pyongyang.  Hardcover book published by Foreign Languages Publishing House Pyongyang, DPRK 1980.  Text is in English.


A worker testing the quality of products

A weaver works with a high sense of responsibility

Projecting at a shoe factory

A girl breeder

Sex selection

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Warszawa: o zniszczeniu i odbudowie miasta (5)

Warszawa: o zniszczeniu i odbudowie miasta by Adolf Ciborowski.  Hardcover book published by Wydawnictwo “Polonia” Warszawa 1964.  Text is in Polish with a small amount of text in English.

(Ulica Krucza)

Osiedle Muranow Potnocny – Aleja Marchlewskiego, stan 1960 r. Arch. arch.: W. Eytner, St. Rymaszewski

Na prawo: Osiedle Praga II – realizacja 1959-60 r. Arch. arch.: J. Gieysztor, J. Kumelowski; na lewo: punktowce osiedla Praga III realizacja1960-62, Arch. arch.: J. Czyz, J. Furman, A. Skopinski

Ogrod przy Ambasadzie Chinskiej. Arch. A. Scholtz

Osiedle mieszkaniowe przy ulicy Kruczej. Arch. arch.: M. Kuzniar i Cz. Wegner

Fragment osiedla Plac Teatralny – realizacja z lat 1858-61

Ministersiwo Komunikacji. Arch. B. Pniewski

Domy mieszkalne ambasady chinskiej. Arch. arch.: R. Gutt, T. Zielinski, Kompozycja ogrodu: arch. A. Scholtz

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Down with the New Tsars!: Soviet Revisionists’ Anti-China Atrocities on the Heilung and Wusuli Rivers.

Down with the New Tsars!: Soviet Revisionists’ Anti-China Atrocities on the Heilung and Wusuli Rivers.  Paperback booklet published by Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1969.  All text is in English.

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung.
Make trouble, fail, make trouble again, fail again. . . till their doom; that is the logic of the imperialists and all reactionaries the world over in dealing with the people’s cause, and they will never go against this logic. Working hand in glove, Soviet revisionism and U.S. imperialism have done so many foul and evil things that the revolutionary people the world over will not let them go unpunished. The people of all countries are rising. A new historical period of struggle against U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism has begun.

The torrential rivers flow one thousand li, Chairman Mao’s love for us overflows ten thousand rivers. Oh Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao! You are the red sun in the hearts of the border people. Here the border people in northeastern China earnestly study Chairman Mao’s works before they begin to work, placing Mao Tsetung Thought in command of all.

The red banner flies high and gleaming harrows shine in the sunlight, the frontier has taken on a new look. Busy with the sowing are the poor and lower middle peasant members of the people’s commune, who hove worked for generations on the Chinese territory of Wupalao Island, situated on the Chinese side of the central line of the main channel of the Heilung River.

The rivers flow endlessly. The day’s catch is piled high. For generations the Chinese fishermen have fished in the Wusuli River.

When the Soviet Union was still socialist, passengers on Chinese and Soviet steamboats greeted each other as they met on the Heilung River, expressing the fraternal friendship between the two peoples.

Look Khrushchov and Eisenhower, ring-leaders of Soviet revisionism and U.S. imperialism, join in a love feast.

Khrushchov, the despicable renegade to the Soviet people, is in the company of the U.S. imperialist chieftain Kennedy.

By order of his master Brezhnev, the Soviet revisionist ambassador Dobrynin fawns upon Nixon, the new boss of U.S. imperialism. This ugly performance is an excellent example of the way U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism, the two big bullies in the world, are intensifying their collaboration with each other in a criminal attempt to redivide the world.

Although the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has built many fortifications and set up row after row of barbed wire entanglements, it cannot possibly destroy the militant friendship that the Chinese and Soviet peoples have cemented in their protracted revolutionary struggles.

Two Soviet revisionist gunboats are obstructing the legitimate passage of a Chinese ship.

The Soviet revisionists wag their tails before U.S. imperialism but ride roughshod over the fishermen of socialist China. Ignoring the protests of the Chinese side, Soviet gunboats have the impudence to ride down Chinese fishing boats at full steam.

By their gangsterism the Soviet revisionist renegades have enraged Chinese fishermen along the Wusuli River. Filled with anger and hatred, our fishermen advance bravely to engage them in a tit-for-tat struggle. 

The ‘Soviet revisionist aggressors are carrying off one of our fishing nets to disrupt our fishery.

Burning with anger our fishermen demand the return of the net the Soviet revisionist aggressors have seized. 

Instead of returning the net, the Soviet revisionist aggressors cruelly beat up our fishermen.

On September 24, 1967, the Soviet revisionists openly kidnapped Chinese fishermen. But beating and kidnapping can shake neither the Iron will of the Chinese fishermen to fight to the end nor their red hearts which are always Ioyal to the great leader Chairman Mao. It only serves to fully expose the fact that the Soviet revisionists are downright social-imperialists.

Amidst angry shouts of “Down with US. imperialism!” “Down with Soviet revisionism!” the representative of the Soviet frontier troops dare not look up but takes to his heels abjectly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yugoslavia: Past and Present (2)

Yugoslavia: Past and Present, edited by Radmila Matic.  Hardcover book published by Yugoslav Review, Belgrade and David Harvey, London (no date, probably late 1960s or early 1970s). Text is in English.

The Belgrade fairground complex set in an attractive park by the River Sava, is used for various sporting and cultural events in addition to trade fairs.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mountains and Rivers Make Way: The Chengtu-Kunming Railroad in Photographs (3).

Mountains and Rivers Make Way: The Chengtu-Kunming Railroad in Photographs.  Paperback booklet published by Foreign Languages Press Peking 1976.  All text is in English.

A small iron and steel plant built recently beside the railway.

Diesel engines manufactured in the Chuhsiung Yi Autonomous Prefecture ready for delivery to various places in the countryside.

The railway greatly promotes the mechanization of farming on the Szechuan-Yunnan Plateau.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yugoslavia: Past and Present

Yugoslavia: Past and Present, edited by Radmila Matic.  Hardcover book published by Yugoslav Review, Belgrade and David Harvey, London (no date, probably late 1960s or early 1970s).  Text is in English.

The Varteks enterprise of Varazdin (Croatia), has done a great deal to help both young and old keep up with the latest fashions.  Here are a few of its latest models.

The Fashion Fair held annually in Belgrade attracts exhibitors from all over the world.  Fashion shows are held every night during the fair, with leading French and other foreign designers showing their collections, as well as Yugoslav fashion houses.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tallinn (2)

Tallinn by Erik Raikula.  Hardcover book published by Kirjastus Eesti Raamat 1975.

Hotell “Kungla” (1969, I. Pummets, H. Ruutlane) Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi tanavas.

Kohvik “Kadriorg” (1971, V. Herkel, H. Piiber).

Laululava (1960, A. Kotli, H. Sepmann, E. Paalmann).

Uheksakottuseline elamu Mustamael.

Elamu Mustamael (1971, R. Karp).

Uued elamud Hiiul (1971, A. Mellik).

Tallinna Polutehnilise Instituudi peakorpus (1968, U. Tolpus, H. Sepmann, O. Kontsajeva) Mustamael.

Elamus Mustamael